I've been on a bit of a shopping spree, and have lots of lovely new products to try, I'm going to try all of them, and write honestly about them here.
I also have 3 other "Volunteers" to help me, my Mother, my father, and my girlfriend, who I am certain can't wait to get started.
All of our natural skin products are made by hand, in a shop window, in full view of the general public, by two lovely ladies. No hidden nasties here!
Tonight I've used the natural shaving soap, I've been a bit scruffy recently, and I try to avoid shaving at times, because I simply don't see the point, why waste all that water, time and soap every morning, when you don't need too, or like me work from home.
That and I have sensitive skin, so it can be quite painful.
First impressions, well it looks nice, all wrapped up in it's own ceramic (reusable) shaving bowl. It smells divine, even through the wrapper, well I like lime so I guess you could say I'm biased!
I opened it up, ran hot water into a sink, and grabbed my synthetic shaving brush ( No badger hair for me thanks!), and placed a hot flannel on my face.
I took it off, and placed the brush in the hot water, I squeezed it out a bit, and swirled it around the bowl to produce a rich thick lather.
The first thing I noticed was the warm rich smell of sage that had now appeared, then as I spread it on my face, how smooth and thick the shaving soap was.
I shaved using a new-ish razor, I'd used it a few times, but it still had that nice sharp edge to it.
The shaving was really smooth, and the blade literally followed the surface of my skin, I didn't have to use much pressure, and I didn't have to re shave the same place.
I thought it would be great to see what happened if you used a fair bit of water on the brush, and to see how light and bubbly I could get it.
Whoosh! It foams up pretty well, especially if you think nothing nasty went into this natural product. I used this froth to shave my face and cheeks, it didn't take any time at all before I was smooth as a baby's bottom.
I squeezed off the froth, now for the real test, the upper lip of doom!
Reverting to the thicker lather I made earlier I tentatively applied it to my top lip, expecting the sensation of plucking and afterburn of chilli.
I was pretty amazed when it didn't, well at least not like it normally does, it was honestly pretty painless for me.
Maybe its the lack of chemicals, or the fact it's made of shea butter, olive oil, and all sorts of natural moisturising gooodies, maybe I was just lucky ( this being the first try), it just didn't burn.
Ive cut the shaving cake in half and given the other bit to my dad, we are both going to try it for a week and see how it goes.
Keep up the good work.
Skin products for specific skin types have been available for a number of years now, and products like shaving soaps, shaving creams, and facial skin care which are formulated for men are slowly gaining popularity. However, before choosing what products to use on their faces, men should start with the basic issue, and that is to know specific skin type first.
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